DBS&A Sponsors 2022 Texas Groundwater Summit

DBS&A will attend TAGD Groundwater Summit.
DBS&A is the video/livestream sponsor of the 2022 Texas Groundwater Summit, one of Texas’ premier annual groundwater events. The Summit is hosted by the Texas Alliance for Groundwater Districts (TAGD) and will be held August 30 through September 1 in San Antonio, Texas.
Two of DBS&A’s groundwater professionals—Paul Kirby, PG, and Russell Perry, PG—will be attending the event.
With expertise in aquifer storage and recovery, groundwater/surface water interaction, and aquifer mapping and modeling, DBS&A supports groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) and municipalities throughout the West in assessing groundwater resources, conjunctively managing surface water and groundwater, adapting to climate change, and interacting with regulatory agencies. Learn more about our water resources expertise.
DBS&A is committed to advancements in groundwater policy, emerging management trends, education, and research in Texas and around the world. We support the efforts of TAGD, Texas groundwater conservation districts, and our fellow groundwater professionals.
To learn more about the event, click here.