GLA-Data, Customizable Web Application

What is GLA-Data?

Since 2007, DBS&A has been a leader in the development of environmental database management systems (DBMS or DMS). Our developers have continuously enhanced our systems, incorporating new technology to meet clients’ evolving needs. The current generation, GLA-Data*, is a comprehensive, web-accessible DBMS developed by DBS&A to store, visualize, map, manage, and report environmental data. GLA-Data helps our clients make vast amounts of technical data readily accessible and easy to analyze.

GLA-Data now serves more than 20 clients across the western U.S. Key features include:

  • Map-centric and/or dashboard style interface through a web browser
  • Interactive data visualization tools and data filters
  • Automated reporting capabilities
  • Multiple data export options
  • Geographic information system (GIS) integration
  • Tiered login credentials for enhanced security
  • 24/7 downtime monitoring with routine security updates and backups

GLA-Data is intuitive and user-friendly. New applications based on our existing platform can be rolled out quickly at a reasonable cost.


GLA-Data uses a MS SQL Server relational database back-end accessed using a .NET 4.5 (C#) server-side scripting engine for dynamically-generated front-end webpages. Web application and data reside within a secure Cloud Service or behind DBS&A’s firewalled servers that are backed up daily with industry standard monthly operating system security updates.


The following GLA-Data DMS applications were developed in compliance with California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), and are active and accessible to the public:

Fillmore and Piru Groundwater Basins GLA-Data site

Owens Valley Groundwater Basin GLA-Data site

Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin GLA-Data site

Big Valley (Lake County) Groundwater Basin GLA-Data site

* GLA-Data was named in recognition of the research and development investment made by our parent company, Geo-Logic Associates (GLA).

DMS at-a-glance

Customizable Features at a Glance

Click here to view a full-size pdf depicting the customizable features of GLA-Data at a glance.

Custom applications with specialized features include:

  • Sustainable Groundwater Management Data Management Systems (SGMA DMS): Reporting, compliance, and stakeholder support for Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) for California Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs)
  • Well Data Management: Online well registration, permitting, and reporting for groundwater districts and large landholders
  • Water Quality/Environmental Data Management: Water quality management and reporting for landfills, waste disposal sites, and Superfund sites
  • Litigation Support: Management of data for environmental litigation and dispute resolution
  • Groundwater Banking: Tracks and reports complex water banking transactions and associated costs for multiple agencies across multiple basins

User-Friendly Features

  • Web-accessible and searchable DBMS
  • Map-centric (GIS) and/or dashboard style user interface
  • Remote data entry from a computer
  • Data import and collection using online templates and documentation
  • Custom tools and queries to support permitting, monitoring, and reporting
  • Easy data output, reporting, and graphing functions
Taos well drilling

Accessibility Features

  • Every user can access the same information simultaneously or individually from their desktop or mobile device using most web browsers, including Chrome, Safari, and Edge
  • No additional software will be required for an individual’s personal computer or work station

Security Features

  • Multiple tiers of login credentials provide control over user’s ability to see, add, remove, or modify data
  • Credentialed users have the ability to manipulate or perform quality assessment/quality control of water well data, and view and edit user accounts