No Safe Level of Lead Exposure

Safe drinking water requirement: Public and tribal water systems must submit initial water service lines inventories by October 16, 2024 to comply with U.S. EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. DBS&A can provide a GIS-based inventory, online mapping, and federal funding assistance support.

PFAS in Vertebrate Animals at Desert Oasis

Jean-Luc Cartron, PhD, co-authored the Environmental Research article “Extraordinary levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in vertebrate animals at a New Mexico desert oasis: Multiple pathways for wildlife and human exposure”.

Climate Change Habitat Model Forecasts for Eight Owl Species in the Southwestern US

DBS&A Biologist and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) team leader Jean-Luc E. Cartron, PhD, and GIS Manager, Kenny Calhoun, GISP, and seven others recently co-published the article, “Climate Change Habitat Model Forecasts for Eight Owl Species in the Southwestern US” in the journal Animals. In the article’s conclusion, the co-authors “… project severe, region-wide breeding […]

Wild Carnivores of New Mexico

DBS&A Biologist and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) team leader Jean-Luc E. Cartron, PhD, recently completed the landmark study of New Mexico’s wild carnivores, published by University of New Mexico Press. Co-edited by Jennifer K. Frey, and sponsored by DBS&A, Wild Carnivores of New Mexico explores the animals and major issues that shape their continued presence in the state and region.

Happy Holidays!

During this season of giving, the Geo-Logic Associates companies want to inspire you to make a difference. Turn your audio on low and click the graphic below to see how our offices and staff have been inspired to give back to our communities and support causes close to our hearts. We wish our clients, colleagues, […]

Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority in the News

In a story titled “Colonias organize to fund major water projects,” KUNM interviewed Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority (LRGPWWA) General Manager Martin Lopez and Projects Manager Karen Nichols. DBS&A has been doing work for LRGPWWA since 2015; two projects are active, one for design and one for construction services.

Monitoring Tools for Carbon Capture and Storage Projects

To improve DBS&A’s ability to effectively conduct carbon dioxide monitoring of surface air and soil gas at carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites, staff attended training on installation and use of eddy covariance towers for carbon dioxide surface air monitoring and soil flux chambers for soil gas monitoring with LI-COR.

Colorado Office Relocation

DBS&A’s Denver area office, which houses both Geo-Logic and DBS&A staff, has relocated to 7100 E Belleview Avenue, Suite 125 Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111.

ENR Top Environmental Firm

Geo-Logic Associates (GLA) and its wholly owned subsidiaries, including Clear Creek Associates, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Kunkel Engineering Group, Geo-Logic Peru, Summit Water Resources, and The MINES Group, was ranked among the Engineering News-Record Top Environmental Firms (#137).

Top Design Firm Southwest and California Regions

Geo-Logic Associates (GLA) and its wholly owned subsidiaries was ranked among the Engineering News-Record Top 500 Design Firms and Top Design Firms in the Southwest Region and California