Click here for a YouTube playlist including Marvin’s “NGWA: Industry Connected” presentations on YouTube on the following topics:
- How Annulus Width Impacts Well Performance
- Availability and Quality of Silica Sand for Water Well Filter Packs
- Doing an 8-hour OSHA refresher course
- Importance of Technical Specification Verbiage for Installing a Water Well
- How to Operate Safely and Efficiently on a Postage Stamp Jobsite
- How do we Navigate Communication Challenges?
- Appropriateness of Using PVC Casing for ASR Wells
- Filter Pack Sand Selection and Design
- Assessing a Water Well System Following a Wildfire
- Well Development Techniques and Concepts
- Project Coordination and client communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Depth-Specific Sampling in Open Boreholes
- Tools and Techniques for Evaluating a Well’s Structure
- Evaluating a Well’s Flow Profile
- Overview of Drilling Fluids
- Keys to Properly Decommissioning a Well
- How Annular Voids can Impact Well Installation
- Well Design from a Water Quality Perspective
- Managing Unrealistic Expectations from a Client
- How Life-Cycle Economic Analysis can be Applied Today
- Basic concepts of mud and air rotary drilling
- How to maintain Health & Safety at a Drilling Site
- Flooded Reverse Drilling
- Logical progression for Well Design
- Steel type attributes for Well Casing Selection
Publications and Presentations
Glotfelty, M.F., 2021, Water Well Design and Construction for Optimal Well Performance in Areas with Groundwater Quality Issues: Presentation at the 2021 California Groundwater Issues Virtual Conference, Sponsored by the American Groundwater Trust and Assoc. of Groundwater Agencies – February 9-10, 2021.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2020, Naturally-Filter Packed Water Well Installation, A Lemons-To-Lemonade Story: Virtual Presentation at the 93rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Arizona Water Association, July 21, 2020.
Glotfelty, M.F. and LaRoque, A., 2020, City of Phoenix Wells Program – Drilling and Installation Progress: Presented at the 17th Biennial Symposium on Groundwater Recharge, Phoenix, Arizona, October 7, 2020.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2020 Well Design Fundamentals and Applications: invited webcast presentation for the Groundwater Resources Association of California, March 18, 2020.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Kill, D., 2020, Well Design by the Numbers: a half-day workshop at the Nevada Water Resources Association Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 10, 2020.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2020-2021, The Art of Water Wells – Quarterly Column on a Variety of Water Well Topics: Water Well Journal.
Ranney, W. and Glotfelty, M., 2019, Journey to the Grand Canyon, A Geologic and Hydrologic Excursion across Arizona’s Magnificent Heartland: in Pearthree, P.A., ed., Geologic Excursions in Southwestern North America: Geological Society of America Field Guide 55, p. 147-168.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2019, The Art of Water Wells – Technical and Economic Considerations for Water Well Siting, Design, and Installation: National Ground Water Association Press, 174 p.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2019, Overview of Well Design and Construction: Invited presentation to Narasimhan Consulting Services, Phoenix, Arizona, January 25, 2019.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Kill, D., 2018, Well Design by the Numbers: a half-day workshop at the National Ground Water Association Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 3, 2018.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Burchard, G.C., 2018, Well Video Interpretation: workshop presented at the Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, September 19, 2018.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2018, Groundwater: State of the Science and Practice: Author of the “Well Design” chapter (pp. 81-85), National Ground Water Association Press electronic book, 2018, (95 p.).
Glotfelty, M.F., 2007 to 2021, Guest Lecturer – Applied Hydrogeology, Geology 451, Northern Arizona University: Guest lecturer, NAU Geology Dept., Flagstaff, Arizona, 2007, 2009-2014, 2016-2021.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2017, Industrial Use Well Installation using the Dual Ro try Pull-Back Technique: Presentation at the 33rd Annual Tri-State Seminar, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 28, 2017.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2009 and 2017, Water Well Rehabilitation: Invited presentation at a Lorman Educational Services Teleconference. Phoenix, Arizona, May 2009 and June 2017.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2017, Key Considerations for Water Well Resilience: Water Well Journal, Vol. 71, No. 12.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Maslansky, S., 2017, Groundwater and Well Drilling: Lecturer at a 2-day workshop sponsored by the National Ground Water Association for the Indian Health Service – 2017, Duluth, Minnesota, April 5 & 6, 2017.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016, Well Design and Well Development – Large Capacity Well Efficiency: Food Production, Energy, and Supply Challenges: invited presentations at the National Ground Water Association’s Groundwater Week Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 6, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016, Guest Lecturer – Applied Hydrogeology, Geology 451, Northern Arizona University: Guest lecturer, NAU Geology Dept., Flagstaff, Arizona, November 10 , 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Burchard, G.C., 2016, Well Assessment Methodologies: A ½-day workshop at the Water Infrastructure Conference, American Water Works Association, Phoenix, Arizona., October 30, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Alter, M.A., 2016, Hydrogeologic Remediation Techniques & Strategies: Lecturer at a 2½-day workshop for Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation, in association with the National Groundwater Association, Pittsburgh, PA, July 12 – 14, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016 Understanding Groundwater: Invited lecturer for Kyl Center for Water Policy, Leadership Roundtable, in association with the Morrison Institute, Arizona State University, June 17, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016 Life Cycle Economic Analysis of Water Wells – Considerations for Design and Construction: invited webcast presentation for the Groundwater Resources Association of California, May 25, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016, Verde Valley Hydrogeology: invited presentation to the Coconino Plateau Watershed Partnership, Flagstaff, Arizona, March 25, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016, Proper Well Development to Deter Many Water Supply Issues: invited presentation at the National Ground Water Association’s Pacific Northwest Groundwater Expo, Portland, Oregon, March 18, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016, Groundwater Sampling Techniques to Obtain Accurate Results: invited presentation at the National Ground Water Association’s Pacific Northwest Groundwater Expo, Portland, Oregon, March 18, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2016, Water Well Design for Drought Conditions and Climatic Change: presented to the Tucson Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, Arizona, March 8, 2016.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2015, McEllhiney Revisited: Presentations and Panel Discussion from three prior McEllhiney Lecturers, National Ground Water Association’s 2015 Groundwater Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 16, 2015.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Becker, A., 2015-2021, Drilling Fundamentals for Hydrogeologists and Engineers Workshop: a one-day workshop at the National Ground Water Association Expo, Las Vegas, NV; San Antonio, TX; or Nashville, TN, December 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, 2021.
Hanson, D.P. and Glotfelty, M.F., 2015, Well Design for Drought and Climate Change: Water Well Journal, Vol. 69, No. 9, September 2015.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2015, Well Design and Construction; and Well Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Presentation at the Native American Water Master’s Association Groundwater Workshop – 2015, Tuba City, Arizona, August 12, 2015.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Maslansky, S., 2015, Groundwater and Well Drilling: Lecturer at a 2½-day workshop for the Indian Health Service – 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 14 – 16, 2015.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2015, Right Tool For The Right Job – The Underuse, Overuse, and Misuse of Well Analysis Techniques: Presentation at the Mountain States Groundwater Expo – 2015, Laughlin, Nevada, February 12, 2015.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Hanson, D.P., 2014, Water Well Design for Drought Conditions and Climatic Change: a half-day workshop at the National Ground Water Association’s 2014 Ground Water Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 12, 2014.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2014, Engineering a Better Gravel Pack – A Scientific and Economic Perspective: Industry Forum to Discuss Gravel and Filter Pack Media, National Ground Water Association’s 2014 Ground Water Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 10, 2014.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2014, ”Unknown Unknowns” in the Groundwater Industry: Workshop at the 30th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 25, 2014.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2014, Plumbness & Alignment Standards for Water Wells: Presented at the 87th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Arizona Water Association, Glendale, Arizona, May 9, 2014.
Glotfelty, M., Nutter, N., and Wold, J., 2014, Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Wells – Innovations & Concepts: Invited presentation to the Elsinor Valley Municipal Water District, Lake Elsinore, California, February 6, 2014.
DePonty, J., Glotfelty, M., Depinto, S. and Kornrumph, G., 2014, Plumbness and Alignment Standards, Analysis and Recommendations: Water Well Journal, Vol. 68, No. 1, January 2014.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2013, Don’t Ignore the Details of Varying Uncertainty in Well Data: Invited presentation at the 1st Annual NGWA “Pillars of Groundwater Innovation” Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, November 7, 2013.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2013 Life Cycle Economic Analysis of Water Wells – Valid for Smaller Wells Too: “Making Connections” – The official publication of the Louisiana Ground Water Association, Premier Issue, Summer 2013.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2013 Life Cycle Economic Analysis of Water Wells – Considerations for Design and Construction: Presentation as part of the Design and Construction of Economic Wells Workshop at the International Mine Water Association Conference, Golden, Colorado, August 5, 2013.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2012 Life Cycle Economic Analysis of Water Wells – Considerations for Design and Construction: Distinguished Lecturer for the National Ground Water Association, 2012. Included 37 lectures to well driller associations; hydrological societies; university students and faculty; engineering groups; and water managers in 17 USA states and Canada, in addition to translated webinar presentations in Bolivia and Columbia.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2012, How Groundwater Contractors can Work More Effectively with Consultants to Achieve Quality: invited presentation at the National Ground Water Association’s Pacific Northwest Groundwater Expo, Portland, Oregon, February 10, 2012.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Kill, D.L., 2011, Environmental and High-Capacity Water Well Design Workshop: a two-day workshop sponsored by the National Centre for Groundwater Education and Training, and the National Ground Water Association, Brisbane, Australia, October 10-11, 2011.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Kill, D.L., 2011, Environmental and High-Capacity Water Well Design Workshop: a two-day workshop sponsored by the National Centre for Groundwater Education and Training, and the National Ground Water Association, Perth, Australia, October 6-7, 2011.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Heller, N., 2011, Well Evaluation and Reconstruction Techniques Workshop: Full-day workshop for the Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality, Tucson, Arizona, April 26, 2011.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2011, What Do We Know For Sure? Considerations of “Unknown Unknowns” in the Water Well Industry: Presentation at the Mountain States Groundwater Expo – 2011, Laughlin, Nevada, February 10, 2011.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Kill, D.L., 2011, Environmental and High-Capacity Water Well Design Workshop: a two-day workshop sponsored by the National Centre for Groundwater Education and Training and the National Ground Water Association, Perth and Brisbane, Australia, October 6-7 and 10-11, 2011.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Best, M.E., 2010, Design Versus Constructability – Considerations for Water Supply Wells: Workshop at the 26th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference, Primm, Nevada, September 30, 2010.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2010, Well Evaluation and Reconstruction Techniques: Cost Effective Methods and Considerations: ½-day workshop presented at the Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, Arizona, September 1, 2010.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2010, Well Evaluation and Reconstruction Techniques: Cost Effective Methods and Considerations: Invited presentation to the City of Pomona, California, August 18, 2010.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2010, Well Evaluation and Reconstruction Techniques: Cost Effective Methods and Considerations: Invited presentation to the Salt River Project, Phoenix, Arizona, August 3, 2010.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Heller, N., 2008 to 2010, Groundwater Production Well Performance Diagnostics, Data Evaluation, and Reconstruction Methods: Invited presentations at Irvine Ranch Water District, CA; Newport Beach, CA; Palm Springs, CA; Hesperia, CA; Orange, CA; San Bernardino, CA; Victorville Water District, CA; Glendale, CA; Alhambra, CA; Big Bear Lake, CA; Redlands, CA; Coachella Valley Water District, CA; Glendora, CA; Paramount, CA; Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, CA; Tehachapi, CA; San Fernando, CA; and Flagstaff, AZ.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2010, Well Evaluation and Reconstruction Techniques: Cost Effective Methods to Improve Water Quality: Invited presentations to: The City of Surprise, AZ (March 16, 2010); The Town of Buckeye, AZ (March 24, 2010); The Town of Gilbert, AZ (April 7, 2010); Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, AZ (April 13, 2010); The City of Casa Grande, AZ (May 25, 2010); and the Inland Counties Water Association, Ontario, CA (June 9, 2010).
Glotfelty, M.F., 2006 to 2010, Water Well Design and Site Selection: Invited presentations at the Lorman Seminar on Groundwater Wells, Rights and Uses in Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona, February 2006-2009.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2009, El Desarrollo y Aplicaciơn de Evaluaciones Geohidrologicos [Designing and Implementing Hydrogeological Assessments]. Invited presentation for the Arizona-Baja California Sur Partnership for Water Sustainability, La Paz, Mexico, March 27, 2009.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2009, Physical Considerations for Well Design and Construction: Invited Presentation at the Mountain States Groundwater Expo – 2007, Laughlin, Nevada, February 12, 2009.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Wrzosek, D., 2008, Water Well Design and Construction Management: Workshop presented for the City of Mesa, Mesa, Arizona, April 11, 2008.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Morris, T., 2008, Installation, Operation, Rehabilitation, and Evaluation of Water Wells – A Comprehensive Workshop for Well System Operators: Two-Day Workshop presented for the City of Chandler Reverse Osmosis Facility Annual Training, Chandler, Arizona, March 18 & 19, 2008.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2008, Water Well Design and Site Selection: Invited presentation at the Lorman Seminar, Groundwater Wells: Use and Shared Use Agreements in Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona, February 28, 2008.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Gin, G., 2008, Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Water Well Materials: Presentation at the American Groundwater Trust Water Well Performance Workshop, Economic Basis for Operation, Well Rehabilitation & Maintenance Decisions – February 7, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona.
Glotfelty, Marvin F., 2007, Groundwater & Wells: 3rd Ed., Sterrett, R.J., ed., Johnson Screens, a Weatherford Company, 2007. Technical Reviewer of Chapter 10 – Water Well Construction and Abandonment pp. 439 – 500. Authored Appendix 9-Q – Public Supply Well Installation Flow Chart (in attached CD).
Glotfelty, M.F., 2007, Water Well Design, Evaluation, and Site Selection: An invited presentation for Centex Homes, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 5, 2007.
Glotfelty, M.F., Gin, G., and Tatlow, M., 2007, Design and Construction Techniques for Recharge and Recovery Wells: Full-day workshop at ISMAR6 -the International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge – October 28 – November 2, 2007, Tempe, Arizona. October 28, 2007.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Burchard, G.C., 2007, Well Assessment Technologies, a.k.a. Well Video Interpretation: Presented as a workshop at the 23rd Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Primm, Nevada, September 28, 2007.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2007, Material Selection For Proper Well Design: Invited Presentation at the Mountain States Groundwater Expo – 2007, Laughlin, Nevada, February 8, 2007.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Bartlett, R.D., 2007, Environmental Issues Affecting Groundwater Resources: Invited presenters for a Lorman National Teleconference, January 25, 2007.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Burchard, G.C., 2006, Well Video Interpretation: National Ground Water Association 2006 Ground Water Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 5-8, 2006.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2006, Water Well Design and Installation: An invited presentation for Montalbano Homes, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 7, 2006.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2006, String Weight Changes during Well Installation: Well Said – the Newsletter of the Arizona Water Well Association, March 10, 2006.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2005, Water Well Design and Site Selection: Invited Presentation for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Safe Drinking Water Section, November 15, 2005.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2005, Water Well Assessment Techniques, Part I and II: Presented as a workshop at the 21th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 23, 2005.
Glotfelty, M.F., Alter, M., Destrampe, R., and Bredfeldt, P., 2005, New Water Supply Well Installation – From design to Acceptance: Full-day workshop presented at the 2005 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, September 21, 2005.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2005, Hydrogeological and Water Resource Management Considerations for ASR in the West Salt River Valley: Presented at the 12th Biennial Symposium on Groundwater Recharge, Phoenix, Arizona, June 10, 2005.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2005, An Overview of Water Supply Well Design, Installation, Operation, and Rehabilitation: Invited Presentation at the Water and Wastewater Workshop, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Safe Drinking Water section, March 24, 2005.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2005, An Overview of Water Supply Well Design, Installation, Operation, and Rehabilitation: Invited Presentation at the Water and Wastewater Workshop, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Safe Drinking Water Section, February 3, 2005.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2005, Hydrogeological Issues in the West Salt River Valley with Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites: Invited Presentation at the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association Seminar: Reclaiming a Lost Resource – Challenges of Poor Quality Groundwater, Phoenix, Arizona, February 3, 2005.
Boyd, B., and Glotfelty, M.F., 2004, A Unique Technique for Rehabilitating a Poorly Producing Well: Presentation to the Phoenix Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, November 9, 2004.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2004, General Concepts in Well Construction and Management: Presented as a workshop at the 20th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 24, 2004.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2004, Consultant/Contractor Communication – Challenges and Solutions During Well Construction and Maintenance: Presented as a workshop at the 20th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 24, 2004.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Hanson, D.P., 2004, Water Solutions for Development: An invited presentation for the DR Horton Continental Series, Phoenix, Arizona, March 24, 2004.
Glotfelty, M.F., Gordon, S.L., and Peterson, R., (senior editors), 2004, Illustrated Glossary of Driller’s Terms: National Ground Water Association press, 34 p.
National Ground Water Association, 2003, Illustrated Glossary of Ground Water Industry Terms: Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Borehole Construction, and Water Conditioning: Compiled by (in alphabetical order), Linda Aller, Ed Anderson, Dana Armitage, Truman Bennett, Jack DeMarre, Jane Dunne, Tyler E. Gass, Marvin F. Glotfelty, Sheryl L. Gordon, Glen Hackett, Harold Heiss, W. Scott Keys, Jay H. Lehr, Kevin McCray, David Nielsen, Ron Peterson, Rebecca Petty, Wayne Pettyjohn, Jim Poehlman, Joseph Ritchie, Helen Sedoris, and Stuart Smith. Editorial review and photographs by Clear Creek Associates, 69 p.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2003, Considerations and Pitfalls of Well Design, Installation, and Rehabilitation: Invited Presentation at the Water and Wastewater Workshop sponsored by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Safe Drinking Water Section, Phoenix, Arizona, November 13, 2003.
Bartlett, R.D., Hanson, D.P., and Glotfelty, M.F., 2003, Water Solutions for Developers: A half-day workshop sponsored by Clear Creek Associates, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 5, 2003.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2003, Physical Impacts to the Economical Life of a Well System: Presented as a workshop at the 19th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 26, 2003.
Glotfelty, M.F. and Mansuy, N., 2003, Case Study – A Life-Cycle Economical Analysis of a Well Field in the Phoenix, Arizona Metropolitan Area: Presented as a workshop at the 19th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 26, 2003.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2003, Relationship between the Life-Cycle Cost of Water Supply Wells in the Northwest Salt River Valley and Alternative Well Screen Material Types: Presented at the 2003 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, September 19, 2003.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2003, An Overview of Water Well Design and Construction Methods – Technical Limitations and Real-World Pitfalls: Invited Presentation at the Mountain States Groundwater Expo – 2003, Laughlin, Nevada, February 6-8, 2003.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2002, Remaining Useful Economical Life of a Well System – Concepts and Case Studies: Presented as two sequential workshops at the 18th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 28, 2002.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2002, Well Design Considerations: Presented at the Well Design and Installation Workshop presented by the Phoenix Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, July 18, 2002.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2002, Well Construction and Maintenance for the Distribution Operator – Parts I, II, and III: Presented to the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Tucson, Arizona, February 21, 2002.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2002, Borehole and Well Evaluation: An invited presentation for the City of Chandler Real Estate Department, Chandler, Arizona, February 20, 2002.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Tregaskes, F., 2002, Contract D Documents and Technical Specifications for Well Installation: Presented as a Workshop at the Mountain States Groundwater Expo Conference, Laughlin, Nevada, February 7, 2002.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Tregaskes, F., 2001, Technical Specifications for Well Installation: Presented as a Workshop at the 17th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 27, 2001.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Tregaskes, F., 2001, Rotary and Cable Tool Drilling Methods: Presented as a Workshop at the 17th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 27, 2001.
Glotfelty, M.F. Bartlett, R.D., and Alter, M.L., 2001, Well Assessment Techniques – An Evaluation of Common and Uncommon Features in Water Wells: Presented as a workshop at the 2001 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, Arizona, September 12, 2001.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2001, Practical Considerations for Water Well Installation: Invited presentation for the American Society of Civil Engineers – Arizona Chapter, Phoenix, Arizona, March 15, 2001.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2000, Technical Regulatory, and Political Considerations for Groundwater Recharge: Invited Presentation for the Phoenix Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, December 12, 2000.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2000, Using Existing Data To Plan For a New Well: Presented as a Workshop at the 16th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 29, 2000.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2000, Considerations for Public Supply Well Siting and Design to Support the Rapidly Growing Suburban Areas in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: Presented at the 2000 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, September 22, 2000.
Glotfelty, M.F., 2000, Use of an Exploratory Boring Technique for Hydrogeologic Assessment and well Design: Invited presentation for the Tucson Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, Arizona, May 9, 2000.
Glotfelty, M.F., and Bostic, M.W., 1999, Well Evaluation, Part I – Preliminary Review: Presented as a Workshop at the at the 15th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 1999.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1999, Equipment and Methods for Well Drilling, Design and Installation: Presented at the 1999 Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium, Casa Grande, Arizona, September 10, 1999.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1999, Well Site Selection in an Urban Environment: Invited presentation at the 9th Annual Conference of the Arizona Small Utilities Association, Phoenix, Arizona, February 10, 1999.
Glotfelty, M.F., Bostic, M.W., Schmidt, W., and Marsh, F., 1998, Integrated Strategies for Well Site Selection: Presented as a Workshop at the 1998 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, Arizona, September 23, 1998.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1998, Relationships Between Well Design and the Quality of Pumped Groundwater: Presented as a Workshop at the 14th Annual Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, June 23, 1998.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1997, It’s Time for a Change in Written Water Well Specifications: A Consultant’s Perspective: Water Well Journal, Vol. 51, No. 8.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1997, Environmental Soil Sampling – How To Choose The Best Technique For The Job: Groundwater Age, April 1997.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1997, Cost-Effective Alternatives To Prevent Or Remediate Groundwater Pollution: Invited Speaker at the League of Women Voters National Videoconference, Tools For Drinking Water Protection: A community Call To Action, Glendale, Arizona, March 19, 1997.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1996, Water Well Design, Installation, and Rehabilitation: State of the Science: Presented as a Workshop at the 1996 Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 28, 1996.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1996, Remediation of Groundwater Quality Problems With Well Rehabilitation, A Case Study In Arizona: pub. abstract, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Proceedings, Denver, Colorado, October 28-31, 1996.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1996, Remediation of Groundwater Quality Problems With Well Rehabilitation, A Case Study In Arizona: poster session, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Proceedings, Denver, Colorado, October 28-31, 1996.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1996, Filter Pack Selection For Water Production Wells, Sieving the Options: Presented at the 9th Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Prescott, Arizona.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1995, The Art of Water Supply Wells: Analysis, Design, Installation, and Rehabilitation: Presented as a Workshop at the 1995 Tri-State Seminar-On-The-River Conference sponsored by the Arizona Water Pollution Control Association, Laughlin, Nevada, September 23, 1995.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1995, Remediation of Groundwater Quality Problems With Well Rehabilitation – Arizona Case Studies: Presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the California Chapter of the Association of Engineering Geologists and the Groundwater Resources Association of California, Sacramento, California, October 6, 1995.
Mears, E., and Glotfelty, M.F., 1995, Monitoring Well Siting: Crucial Decisions: International Ground Water Technology, Vol. 1, No. 8, August 1995.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1995, Economic, Geologic, and Pragmatic Considerations For Monitoring Well Design: International Ground Water Technology, January 1995.
Heywood, J.A., and Glotfelty, M.F., 1994, Storage Techniques To Preserve Sample Integrity: Groundwater Age, Vol. 28, No. 14, October 1994.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1994, Well Rehabilitation: Presented in the Workshop on Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement of Water Systems, 1994 Conference of the Water Utilities Association of Arizona, September 30, 1994.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1993, Monitoring Well Design Considerations: Water Well Journal, Vol. 47, No. 5.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1993, Groundwater Education – A Local Issue: Water Well Journal, Vol. 47, No. 4.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1993, Case Study – Reduction Of Nitrate In Three City Of Phoenix Wells Through Well Rehabilitation: American Water Resources Assoc., 29th Annual Conference and Symposium, Effluent Use Management, Tucson, Arizona.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1993, Analytical Requirements For Well Rehabilitation: Water Well Journal, Vol. 47, No. 2.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1993, Abandon With Care – Proper Well Closure At Hazardous Waste Sites Is Necessary To Prevent Cross Contamination: Groundwater Age, Sept. 1993.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1992, Well Rehabilitation – A Proven Alternative For Nitrate Control: Water Well Journal, Vol. 46, No. 8.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1992, Use Of Proper Well Design To Address Non-Point Source Water Quality Considerations: Mountain States Groundwater Exposition, Mesa, Arizona.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1992, Well Annulus Volumes…How Large Are They?: Water Well Journal, Vol. 46, No. 7.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1992, Where Are You?: Arizona Well Water Association, March 1992.
Glotfelty, M.F. (ed.), 1992, Marvin’s Dictionary Of Drillers Terms: Published by the Arizona Water Well Association.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1991, Well Installation Trends In Arizona: Water Well Journal, V. 45, No. 11.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1991, Preventing Plastic’s Problems: Executive Report, Groundwater Age, Vol. 26, No. 1, September 1991.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1990, Rehabilitation Of An Alluvial Basin Well For The Remediation Of Nitrate And Pesticides: Proceedings of the National Water Well Association, Fourth National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1990, Rehabilitation Of An Alluvial Basin Well For The Remediation Of Nitrate And Pesticides: Presented at the National Water Well Association, Fourth National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Groundwater Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1989, Well Rehabilitation For Nitrate And Pesticides In The West Salt River Valley: Proceedings of the Arizona Hydrological Society Well Rehabilitation Symposium, Mesa, Arizona.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1989, Well Rehabilitation For Nitrate And Pesticides In The West Salt River Valley: Presented at the Arizona Hydrological Society Well Rehabilitation Symposium, Mesa, Arizona.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1989, The Effect of Groundwater Law on Well Design: Presented at the meeting of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Flagstaff Chapter, April 10, 1989.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1986, Hydrogeology Of The Verde Valley: Presented at the 15th Annual Rocky Mountain Groundwater Conference – Today’s Groundwater Issues, A Pragmatic Approach, Phoenix, Arizona, September 1986.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1985, Hydrogeology of the Camp Verde Area, Yavapai County, Arizona: unpublished M.S. Thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Glotfelty, M.F., 1985, Hydrogeology Of The Camp Verde Area, Central Arizona: Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, University Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Glotfelty, M.F., and C.W. Barnes, 1984, Relationships And Tectonics Of The Jg-7 Quadrangle Of Ganymede: N.A.S.A. Technical Memorandum 86246.