The Association of Ground Water Agencies – American Ground Water Trust (AGWA – AGWT) Annual Conference on “Everything Aquifers and Groundwater Management” will take place on February 11 and 12, 2019 in Ontario, California.

Gregory Schnaar, Ph.D., P.G., Principal Environmental Scientist, will present on “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Wide-Ranging Sources and Impacts to California Water Supplies” in the conference session on “Challenges to Ensuring Safe Sustainable Groundwater Supply in Rural Areas of California.”

DBS&A Founder and Principal Hydrologist, Daniel B. Stephens, Ph.D., P.G.; Senior Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist, Stephen J. Cullen, Ph.D., P.G.; and Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist, Tony Morgan, P.G., C.Hg., will also be in attendance.

The important information exchange and networking opportunity for California’s water agencies, utilities and water districts, and for all water professionals (scientific, engineering, managerial, legal, environmental, regulatory), end-users of water, and local and state elected officials involved with water policy issues. The focus of every program is on current groundwater management issues in California. Click here to learn more about the event.