DBS&A at California Groundwater Conference
The 24th Annual American Ground Water Trust-Association of Ground Water Agencies (AGWT-AGWA) California Groundwater Conference is taking place in Ontario, California on February 7 and 8, 2023.
Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist, and Farag Botros, PhD, PE, Principal Engineer and Modeler, will be in attendance and available to discuss DBS&A’s extensive water resources service capabilities, which includes water planning/development; engineering; geochemistry; modeling; recharge, reuse, recycling; stormwater; sustainable groundwater management; vadose zone hydrology; water planning; water rights; watershed management; water quality; water workshops and training; and wells and wellfields.
The annual information-exchange is for California’s water agencies, utilities and water districts, water professionals (scientific, engineering, managerial, legal, environmental and regulatory), water operators, industrial and irrigation end-users of water, and local and state elected officials who are involved with water supply and water policy issues. Learn more.