DBS&A at California Groundwater Conference
The 25th Annual American Ground Water Trust-Association of Ground Water Agencies (AGWT-AGWA) California Groundwater Conference is taking place in Ontario, California on February 6 and 7, 2024.
Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist, and Farag Botros, PhD, PE, Principal Engineer and Modeler, will be in attendance and available to discuss DBS&A’s extensive water resources service capabilities, which includes water planning/development; engineering; geochemistry; modeling; recharge, reuse, recycling; stormwater; sustainable groundwater management; vadose zone hydrology; water planning; water rights; watershed management; water quality; water workshops and training; and wells and wellfields. Learn more.
The annual information-exchange is for California’s water agencies, utilities and water districts, water professionals (scientific, engineering, managerial, legal, environmental and regulatory), water operators, industrial and irrigation end-users of water, and local and state elected officials who are involved with water supply and water policy issues. Topics include various aspects of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, managed aquifer recharge (MAR, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), contaminants of concern in groundwater, water quality testing and treatment, microplastics (MP) in groundwater, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Learn more.