World Ag Expo 2025

DBS&A at the World Ag Expo, the largest annual agricultural show of its kind taking place in Tulare, California, from February 11-13, 2025. Luis Busso, PG, Senior Hydrogeologist, will present “Become Your Own Well Whisperer”.Meet DBS&A at Booth 2408 in Pavilion A and B at the World Ag Expo, the largest annual agricultural show of its kind taking place in Tulare, California, from February 11-13, 2025. Luis Busso, PG, Senior Hydrogeologist, will present “Become Your Own Well Whisperer” on Thursday at 10 am in Seminar T1.

Tony Morgan, PG, CHG, Principal Hydrogeologist and Gus Tolley, PhD, PG, Project Hydrogeologist will also be attending and available to discuss groundwater hydrology, soil science and environmental data management. DBS&A supports the agricultural community in developing sustainable water supplies, conjunctively managing surface water and groundwater, adapting to climate change, and interacting with regulatory agencies. Learn more.

Learn more about the event here.


Become Your Own Well Whisperer

Declining Water Production? Pressure Loss? Milky Water? Red Water? Sand in your Discharge Pipe? Bronze Shavings? This presentation will take you through some simple questions to ask yourself about your groundwater pumping system before evaluating and designing a professional well rehabilitation plan. Understanding the historical and existing conditions of your well and pump are some of the most important aspects to deducing what potential problems may be occurring. The latest mechanical, chemical, and technical methods used to counter well plugging and other performance degrading conditions can give you the weapons you need to combat the challenges of operating a well, but not all well rehabilitation techniques are effective at addressing every down-well condition. Learn the key approaches, techniques, and elements that make up a well rehabilitation program to save yourself from costly repairs, treatments, and operational downtime.