Senior Vice President, Principal Hydrologist

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Mr. Blandford is a Senior Vice President and Principal Hydrologist with more than 30 years of experience as an environmental consultant. He has led numerous projects involving complex technical, regulatory, and legal issues. Mr. Blandford’s experience includes the identification, assessment, and development of groundwater resources; design and installation of water supply and groundwater remediation well fields; analysis of brackish groundwater resources and seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers; site investigation where groundwater has been impacted by oil-field brine, acid-mine drainage, leach solutions, organic solvents, or other types of contaminants; and  permitting for water rights appropriations and transfers, managed aquifer recharge, and environmental site investigation and closure. One of Mr. Blandford’s specialties involves the development or application of quantitative models of groundwater flow and solute transport. He has supported his clients in many public forums and has testified as an expert in administrative hearings and trials regarding water supply, water quality, and regulatory issues.

Mr. Blandford manages projects or programs for county, state, and federal regulatory agencies; energy and mining companies; water providers; water districts; tribes; and private parties. Examples of past and current clients include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ); Pioneer Natural Resources; Freeport McMoRan (FMI); Hopi Tribe; University Lands (Texas); Texas Water Development Board (TWDB); New Mexico Environment Department (NMED); Colorado River Municipal Water District (CRMWD); Padre Dam Municipal Water District (PDMWD); County of Inyo, California; Goliad County Groundwater Conservation District; Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); and multiple municipalities, including Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, New Mexico, and Lubbock, Texas.

  • Education

    MS, Hydrology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

    BA, Environmental Science, University of Virginia

  • Registration / Certification

    Professional Geoscientist (Geology) No. 1034, Texas

  • Specializations

    Water supply investigations and forecasting

    Water rights permitting

    Numerical simulation of groundwater flow and contaminant transport

    Hydrogeologic evaluations and site investigation

    Aquifer testing methods

    Wellhead protection area delineation and source water determination

    Well field design and management

    Litigation support and expert testimony

  • Affiliations

    National Ground Water Association

    International Association of Hydrogeologists

Select Publications and Presentations

Blandford, T.N. and C. Wolf. 2023. Water Supply Issues as the High Plains Aquifer Drains in Eastern New Mexico. Presented at the New Mexico Groundwater Conference, sponsored by American Ground Water Trust. Albuquerque, New Mexico. July 12-13, 2023.

Blandford, T.N., V. Clause, A.C. Donnelly, A.R. Standen, T. Umstot, D. Gallo, M.A. Sutherland, and K. Calhoun. 2022.  Marathon Aquifer Conceptual Model Completion Report, TWDB Contract No. 2048302454.  November 29, 2022.

Blandford, T.N., V. Clause, A. Lewis, A.R. Standen, A. Donnelly, K. Calhoun, F. Botros and T. Umstot. 2021.  Conceptual Model Report for the Cross Timbers Aquifer, TWDB Contract No. 1948312322.  September 30, 2021.

Blandford, T.N. 2021. Hydrogeology of the Cross Timbers Aquifer in North-Central Texas.  American Ground Water Trust 2019 Annual Texas Groundwater Conference.  Austin, Texas, June 30, 2021.

Blandford, N., Jacobs, M., Donnelly, A. 2020 Groundwater Availability in the Permian Basin. Water Committee of Permian Basin Petroleum Association. Virtual, July 2020.

Blandford, N. 2019. Trends and Key Challenges in Groundwater Management in New Mexico. Invited presentation at the GRA Western Groundwater Congress. Sacramento, California, September 17, 2019.

Blandford, N. 2019. Remediation and Closure of the Pecos Mine Site, Tererro, New Mexico.  New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Earth & Environmental Science and Bureau of Geology Department Seminar.  Socorro, New Mexico, September 5, 2019.

Blandford, N., 2019. Invited participant/speaker for Brackish Groundwater Panel at the Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts, Texas Groundwater Summit. San Antonio, Texas, August 22, 2019.

Blandford, N. 2019. Texas v. New Mexico – An Overview of Groundwater Management and Water Rights Acquisition and Permitting. Invited presentation at the AAPL Santa Fe Land Institute and Field Landman Seminar. Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 23, 2019.

Blandford, N. and F. Botros. 2019. The Nexus Between Saltwater Disposal and Groundwater Supply.  American Ground Water Trust 2019 Annual New Mexico Groundwater Conference.  Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 22, 2019.

Blandford, N. and F. Botros. 2019. Produced Water Disposal in the Artesia Group of the Permian Basin – Feasibility and Effects on Future Water Supplies. MODFLOW and More 2019: Groundwater Modeling and Beyond. Golden, Colorado, June 4, 2019.

Blandford, N. and F. Botros. 2019. Produced Water Disposal in the Artesia Group of the Permian Basin – Feasibility and Effects on Future Water Supplies. NGWA Groundwater and Oil and Gas Development Workshop. San Antonio, Texas, March 4, 2019.

Blandford, N., 2018. Texas v. New Mexico – An Overview of Groundwater Management and Water Rights Acquisition and Permitting. Presentation to the Society of Petroleum Engineers Environmental Study Group. Midland, Texas, November 1, 2018.

Blandford, N., 2018. Overview of Tribal Groundwater Issues in the Little Colorado River Adjudication, Arizona. American Ground Water Trust New Mexico Groundwater Conference: State’s Rights and the Control of Groundwater in the West.  Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 17, 2018.

Blandford, N., 2017. Session moderator for Technical and Regulatory Aspects of Enhanced Aquifer Recharge Using Surface and Near-Surface Facilities. American Ground Water Trust 2017 Annual Texas Groundwater Conference. Austin, Texas, May 4, 2017.

Blandford, N., 2016. Overview of the University Lands Groundwater Resource Evaluation Project. Presentation to Environmental Study Group of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Midland, Texas. April 28, 2016.

Schnaar, G., Blandford, N., 2015. Not Under My Back Yard: The Looming Battle Over Underground Injection. Presentation at the American Bar Association Fall Conference, Chicago, Illinois. October 28-31, 2015.

Umstot, T., Schnaar, G., Blandford T.N., Cullen, S., Kaiser, P., Ayarbe, J., 2015. Recharge estimates from a soil water-balance model improve groundwater model calibration. Presentation at the MODFLOW and More 2015: Modeling a Complex World conference. May 31 – June 3, 2015. Golden, Colorado.

Blandford, N., 2015. Overcoming Water Rights Challenges. New Mexico Chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services. Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 21, 2015.

Blandford, T. N., T. Umstot, C. Wolf, R. Marley and G. Bushner.  2014.  Exploration and characterization of deep fractured rock aquifers for new groundwater development, and example from New Mexico, USA. In Fractured Rock Hydrogeology, International Association of Hydrogeologists Selected Papers No. 20, edited by John M. Sharp, University of Texas.

Blandford, T.N. 2014. Aquifer Replenishment Projects in New Mexico—Technical Considerations, Challenges, and Permitting. Law Seminars International: New Mexico Water Law. Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 11, 2014.

Blandford, T.N. 2014. Effective Tools for Resolving Water Rights and Damages Issues. Law Seminars International: Hydrology and the Law. Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 23, 2014.

Marley, R., N. Blandford, A. Ewing, L. Webb, and K. Yuhas. 2014.   Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. April 27 – May 2, 2014.

Marley, R. and N. Blandford. 2014. Water Rights Administration for Aquifer Replenishment Projects in New Mexico. NGWA Conference on Hydrology and Water Scarcity in the Rio Grande Basin. Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Blandford, T.N., T. Umstot, R. Marley, C. Wolf and G. L. Bushner. 2012. A Case Study of Exploration and Characterization of Deep Fractured Rock Aquifers for New Groundwater Development, New Mexico, U.S.A. Presentation to the International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks. Prague, Czech Republic, May 21-24, 2012.

Blandford, T.N. 2009. An Overview of Groundwater Management Approaches and Implications for MAG Permitting. Invited presentation to the Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts. Arlington, Texas, September 29, 2009.

Blandford, T.N. and M. Kuchanur. 2008. Consideration of administrative management constraints in the development of groundwater supply strategies. Invited presentation to the Joint Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and Crop Science Society of America. Houston, Texas, October 5-9, 2008.

Blandford, T.N., M. Kuchanur, and R. Smith. 2008. Groundwater modeling of the Southern High Plains Aquifer: Effects of pre- and post-development recharge on water availability. Invited presentation to the Joint Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and Crop Science Society of America. Houston, Texas, October 5-9, 2008.

Earley, D. III, E.A. Salvas, and N. Blandford. 2008. Stockpile Characterization and Hydrogeochemical Seepage Modeling for Mine Closure. 2008 National Ground Water Association / U.S. EPA Remediation of Abandoned Mine Lands Conference, October 2008.

Blandford, T.N. and D.J. Blazer. 2008. Effects of historical pumping distributions and changes in recharge for evaluation of municipal groundwater supply: A case study for the Southern High Plains of West Texas. Presented at MODFLOW and More: Ground Water and Public Policy. Golden, Colorado, May 19-21, 2008.

Blandford, T.N. 2007. Surface water-groundwater interaction, some technical considerations. Presented at Texas Water Conservation Association. San Antonio, Texas, October 11-12, 2007.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, and A. Dutton. 2005. The effect of a priori knowledge on conceptual model refinement through numerical model development: A case study for the Southern High Plains of the United States. Invited presentation to ModelCARE 2005, Fifth International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, From Uncertainty to Decision Making. The Hague, The Netherlands, June 6-9, 2005.

Blandford, N. and N. Sweetland. 2005. Is your remediation system a source of groundwater contamination? Southwest Hydrology 4(3):10-11.

Blandford, T.N. 2005. Evaluation of return flow to groundwater in New Mexico. In Proceedings of New Mexico Water Law Conference. CLE International. Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 15-16, 2005.

Blandford, T.N., M.J. Ronayne, D. Earley III, and T. Shelley. 2004. Lake formation at multiple pits – model development, verification and application for closure. Presented at US EPA Office of Research and Development Pit Lakes, 2004 Conference, Reno, Nevada.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, A.R. Dutton, and R. Smith. 2004. Regional groundwater availability modeling of the Southern Ogallala aquifer of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. In Rainwater, K.A. and T.M. Zobeck (eds.), 2004 High Plains Groundwater Resources: Challenges and Opportunities, Conference Proceedings. Lubbock, Texas, December 7-9, 2004.

Blandford, T.N. and R. Smith. 2004. Conceptual model evaluation and refinement through numerical model development: A case study for the Southern High Plains of the United States. Presented at Finite Element Models, MODFLOW, and More: Solving Groundwater Problems Conference. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, September 13-16, 2004.

Blandford, T.N. and D.J. Blazer. 2004. Hydrologic relationships and numerical simulations of the exchange of water between the Southern Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity aquifers in southwest Texas. In Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau, Mace, R.E., E.S. Angle, and W.F. Mullican, III (eds.), Texas Water Development Board Report 360:115-131. February 2004.

Stephens, D.B. and N. Blandford. 2004. Hydrogeologic analysis, transport and modeling for environmental litigation: A case study. Presented at National Ground Water Association Ground Water and Environmental Law Conference. Chicago, Illinois, May 5-6, 2004.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, K.C. Calhoun, A.R. Dutton, T. Naing, R.C. Reedy, and B.R. Scanlon. 2003. Groundwater availability of the Southern Ogallala aquifer in Texas and New Mexico: Numerical simulations through 2050. Prepared for the Texas Water Development Board. 160p.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, A.R. Dutton, and T. Naing. 2003. Regional groundwater availability modeling of the Southern High Plains aquifer of west Texas and eastern New Mexico. In Proceedings of MODFLOW and More, 2003—Understanding through Modeling. Sponsored by International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 16-19, 2003.

Blazer, D.J., K.C. Calhoun, and T.N. Blandford. 2003. Development of the Southern Ogallala groundwater availability model using GIS. In Proceedings of MODFLOW and More, 2003—Understanding through Modeling. Sponsored by International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 16-19, 2003.

Blandford, T.N. 2003. What is a groundwater flow model and how do you know if you have a good one? In Proceedings of New Mexico Water Law Conference. Sponsored by CLE International, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 18-19, 2003.

Blandford, T.N. and N.T. Sweetland. 2003. Rethinking traditional approaches to hydraulic capture in preparation for the next series of emerging chemicals of concern in groundwater. Poster presentation at the 1,4 Dioxane and Other Solvent Stabilizer Compounds in the Environment, Groundwater Resources Association of California, December 10, 2003, San Jose, California.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, A.R. Dutton and T. Naing. 2003. Regional groundwater availability modeling of the southern High Plains Aquifer of west Texas and eastern New Mexico. In Proceedings of MODFLOW and More, 2003 – Understanding through Modeling. Sponsored by International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, September 16-19, 2003, Golden, Colorado.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, and A.R. Dutton. 2003. Regional groundwater availability modeling of the Southern Ogallala aquifer of west Texas and eastern New Mexico. Presented at New Mexico Symposium on Hydrologic Modeling. Socorro, New Mexico, August 12, 2003.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, A.R. Dutton, and R.M. Smith. 2003. Regional groundwater availability modeling of the Southern Ogallala aquifer in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Presented at National Ground Water Association Southwest Focus Conference—Water Supply and Emerging Contaminants. Phoenix, Arizona, February 20-21, 2003.

Blandford, T.N., M.J. Ronayne, and T.L. Shelley. 2003. Lake formation at multiple mine pits: Model development and application. Presented at National Ground Water Association Southwest Focus Conference—Water Supply and Emerging Contaminants. Phoenix, Arizona, February 20-21, 2003.

Blandford, T.N., D.J. Blazer, A.R. Dutton, and R.C. Reedy. 2002. Regional groundwater flow modeling of the Southern High Plains aquifer: Conceptual models applied and insights gained. Presented at Geological Society of America Annual Conference Special Session on Hydrogeology and Water Resources of the High Plains Aquifer: Issues for Public Policy Over the Next 50 Years. Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2002.

Blandford, T.N., M.J. Ronayne, and D. Earley, III. 2001. Simulation of lake formation at multiple mine pits in a block faulted porphyry copper deposit. In Proceedings of MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, An International Ground Water Modeling Conference and Workshops. Sponsored by International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, September 11-14, 2001.

Stephens, D.B. and T. N. Blandford. 2001. Hydrogeologic analysis, transport and modeling for environmental litigation, a case study. Presented at the First International Congress on Petroleum Contaminated Soils, Sediments, and Water Analysis, Assessment and Remediation. London, United Kingdom, August 14-17, 2001.

Ronayne, M.J., T.N. Blandford, D. Earley, and R. Schmidt-Petersen. 1999. Simulation of mine pit lake recovery in a block-faulted porphyry copper deposit. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Denver, Colorado, October 25, 1999.

Hsu, K.-C., D. Jordan, T.N. Blandford, D.W. Reaber, and J.L. Wilson. 1998. Evaluation of local-scale contaminant migration within a heterogeneous alluvial basin in the southwest. Presented at National Ground Water Association 1998 annual convention and exposition. Las Vegas, Nevada, December 13-16, 1998.

Stephens, D.B., K.-C. Hsu, M.A. Prieksat, M.D. Ankeny, T.N. Blandford, T.L. Roth, J.A. Kelsey, and J.R. Whitworth. 1998. A comparison of estimated and calculated effective porosity. In Hydrogeology Journal 6(1):156-165.

Jordan, D.L., T.N. Blandford, and R.J. MacKinnon. 1996. Source term analysis for a RCRA mixed waste disposal facility. In Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management Spectrum ’96. Seattle, Washington, August 18-23, 1996.

Blandford, T.N., N.-S. Park, and P.S. Huyakorn. 1994. Comment on “Well catchments and time-of-travel zones in aquifers with recharge” by D.N. Lerner. Water Resources Research 30(5):1627-1628. May 1994.

Birdie, T. and T.N. Blandford. 1994. Groundwater flow and solute transport modeling study for Seminole County, Florida, and adjoining regions. St. Johns River Water Management District Special Publication.

Blandford, T.N. and T. Birdie. 1993. Development of wellhead protection areas for the major public supply wells in Hernando County, Florida. Final report completed for the Southwest Florida Water Management District and Hernando County, Florida.

Huyakorn, P.S., J.B. Kool, and T.N. Blandford. 1993. An overview of modeling techniques for solute transport in groundwater. In Metals in groundwater, Allen, H., M. Perdue, and D. Brown (eds.). Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan.

Park, N., T.N. Blandford, and Y.S. Wu. 1993. CANVAS: A composite analytical-numerical model for viral and solute transport simulation. Code documentation prepared for U.S. EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.

Park, N., T.N. Blandford, and P.S. Huyakorn. 1992. VIRALT: A modular semi-analytical and numerical model for simulating viral transport in groundwater. Code documentation prepared for U.S. EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.

Blandford, T.N. and T. Birdie. 1992. Regional groundwater flow modeling for east-central Florida with emphasis on Orange and Seminole Counties. St. Johns River Water Management District Special Publication SJ92-SP17.

Blandford, T.N. 1991. Vertical cross-sectional modeling analysis of groundwater flow and saltwater transport in Orange and Brevard Counties, Florida. Prepared for St. Johns River Water Management District by HydroGeoLogic, Inc., Herndon, Virginia.

Blandford, T.N., T. Birdie, and J.B. Robertson. 1991. Regional groundwater flow modeling for east-central Florida with emphasis on eastern and central Orange County. St. Johns River Water Management District Special Publication SJ91-SP4.

Blandford, T.N. and P.S. Huyakorn. 1990. WHPA: A modular semi-analytical model for the delineation of wellhead protection areas. U.S. EPA Office of Ground Water Protection.

Blandford, T.N. and J.L. Wilson. 1988. Large scale parameter estimation and uncertainty propagation in the Columbus Basin, New Mexico. In EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 69(16):367.

Blandford, T.N. and J.L. Wilson. 1987. Large scale parameter estimation through the inverse procedure and uncertainty propagation in the Columbus Basin, New Mexico. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 226, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Blandford, T.N. 1984. The mineralogy of an andesine anorthosite body near Montpelier, VA. In Rocks and Minerals 61(2):57-61.

Huyakorn, P.S. and T.N. Blandford. 1989. A comprehensive model for capture-zone delineation and particle tracking contaminant transport analysis. Presented at the 28th International Geological Congress. Washington, D.C.

Huyakorn, P.S., J.B. Kool, and T.N. Blandford. 1989. An overview of modeling techniques for metal transport in groundwater. Presented at Workshop on Metal Speciation and Transport in Groundwaters. Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Blandford, T.N. and P.S. Huyakorn. 1988. An interactive WHPA delineation model that incorporates a methodology for uncertainty analysis. Presented at Wellhead Protection Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Blandford, T.N. 1986. Variogram estimation for transmissivity in the Columbus Basin, New Mexico. Presented at New Mexico Geological Society Conference. Socorro, New Mexico.