John Dodge, PGJohn J. Dodge, PG, CHG

Principal Hydrogeologist

Costa Mesa, California


(657) 218-4708

John J. Dodge, PG, CHG, Principal Hydrogeologist, is a professional geologist specializing in environmental and water resources consulting projects. Mr. Dodge has been working as a consultant since 1989 and has diverse experience in groundwater resource assessments, environmental liability management and consulting, assessment and remediation of complexly impacted industrial properties, contaminant hydrogeology, project management, and client services. Mr. Dodge’s work includes contaminant hydrogeological characterization and related services to support site remediation, water supply investigations, groundwater recharge evaluations, threat-of-impact assessment, source control, property redevelopment, regulatory compliance, long-term and short-term financial decision-making, courtroom testimony, and related stakeholder issues. Mr. Dodge has completed numerous hydrogeologic investigation, remediation, and water resource projects as a consultant to Fortune 500 clients, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, water districts, and national law firms.

Mr. Dodge has completed hundreds of technical documents and hydrogeologic reports related to water resources, basin evaluation, vadose zone processes, groundwater recharge, soil and groundwater assessments, groundwater flow and solute transport, forensic contaminant source identification, trace metal evaluation, basin-scale and sub-basin-scale groundwater occurrence, remedial planning, risk evaluation, environmental restoration, engineering costing,  numerical modeling, contaminant fate and transport, vapor intrusion, and related topics. He has completed some of the largest projects in the U.S. with nationally recognized experts in the fields of hydrogeology, hydrology, geology, toxicology and related disciplines.

  • Education

    MS, Geology, University of Georgia

    BS, Geology, University of Delaware

  • Registration / Certification

    Professional Geologist, California

    Certified Hydrogeologist, California

    Licensed Geologist, Washington

  • Specializations

    Hydrogeologic characterization

    Environmental investigation and remediation

    Groundwater resource assessment

    Environmental liability management and consulting

    Assessment and remediation of complexly impacted industrial properties

    Quantitative contaminant hydrogeology

    Project management

  • Affiliations

    Groundwater Resource Association of California

  • Additional Training

    University of California, Irvine

    Environmental Hydrogeology

    Environmental Chemistry

Select Publications and Presentations

Schnaar, G., J. Dodge and S.J. Cullen, 2016 (invited paper). Comprehensive groundwater balance development to characterize selenium loading to surface water channels in Orange County, California. Journal of Contemporary Research and Education, Issue 159 p.5-23.

Cullen, S.J., G. Schnaar, and M. Cruikshank, Dodge, J.J., 2016. Groundwater Planning and Estimating Safe Yield in California under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Hydrology and the Law, Law Seminars International, Santa Monica, California, September 16, 2016.

Dodge, J.J., G. Schnaar, and S.J. Cullen, 2015. Selenium Loading from Groundwater to Newport Bay, Orange County, California. Presentation at the Geological Society of America 2015 Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. November 1, 2015.

Dodge, J.J., 2015. Regional Stormwater Capture and Reuse for Upper Newport Bay Estuarine Resource Protection and Aquifer Recharge, Newport Beach, California. Water Reuse and Desalination Research Conference. Huntington Beach, California. May 4 – 5, 2015.

Dodge, J.J., 2015. Selenium Geohydrology, Swamp of the Frogs, Newport Bay Watershed, Orange County, California. Association for Environmental Health and Sciences (AEHS) 25th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air. San Diego, California. March 23 – 26, 2015.

Cullen, S.J., J. Dodge, and J. Peng. 2014. Selenium Geohydrology, Swamp of the Frogs, Newport Bay Watershed, Orange County, California. Groundwater Resources Association of California and the United States Committee on Irrigation and Drainage Groundwater Issues and Water Management—Strategies Addressing the Challenges of Sustainability in California. Sacramento, California. March 4 – 5, 2014.

Cullen, S,J., G. Schnaar, and J. Dodge, 2013. Comprehensive Assessment of Multiple-sourced Chlorinated Solvent Vapor Intrusion Risk to Multiple Residential Dwellings, Remediation and Response Committee of the Utilities Solid Waste Activities Group (USWAG), The Edison Electric Institute, Washington, D.C., April 23, 2013.

Dodge, J.J., S.J. Cullen, G. Schnaar and J. Peng, 2012. Water Balance Development and Selenium flux Assessment, Newport Bay Watershed, Orange County, California. Presentation to Groundwater Resources Association, Fresno, California, June 14 (in preparation).

Dodge, John J., S.J. Cullen, and R. Sahu, 2011. Evaluation of Hydrogeologic Zone Connectivity using Radioactive and Stable Isotopes, Henderson, Nevada. Presentation to Groundwater Resources Association, Irvine, California, April 12.

Dodge, John J. 2005. Engineering Budget Estimation, Work-breakdown Structure (WBS), and Timeslips® Accounting. Presentation to Mission Geoscience, Inc. Irvine, California, July.

Dodge, John J. 1999. Elements of a Long-term Pumping Test. Presentation to International Technology Corporation, Irvine, California, October, 1995; ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller, Fullerton, California, June, 1999.

Dodge, John J. 1989. A Data Sheet for Electron Diffraction Analysis of Amphibole Asbestos. The Microscope: McCrone Associates, Chicago, August, 1989.